

Once someone has been rescued from the streets, it’s often just as high a battle to be restored from their past. Resources for survival are often hard to come by and if they were the sole providers of their homes, which they usually are, it becomes even more difficult. However, beyond that, they lived in a mentality of constantly being measured by a monetary amount. Their perceived worth needs to be restored just as much as their financial and physical well-being. Our Father’s Love ministry works to help restore the wo-men just as much as it works in rescue. However, our two restoration ministries are Bethany Villa and Hadassah House.

The number of child prostitutes in Brazil is among one of the highest in the world. After years of suffering abuse at home and on the streets by family members or friends some girls might find themselves end up in the Brazilian shelter care system. The quality of the shelters lacks professional workers, training and protection. We wanted to build a safe place where children and young adults can call home, be restored, and God can speak life, value and destiny over them each and every day. We opened Bethany Villa in 2013 to provide a safe place for girls who have been through abuse, violence and sadly, prostitution. Now, it is considered a State model for children’s rights. 

According to the Brazilian childcare law, girls have to leave these care homes as soon as they turn 18 years old. Many of our girls aging out from Bethany were still in the process of recovery, had no resources and nowhere to go. However, our goal wasn’t simply to be a part of the system, we wanted to see them through their recovery. So, we opened a transition house, Hadassah House.

Vila Betânia

Bethany Villa is a home for girls from the age of 0 to 18 and boys up to 2 years of age in the city of Jaboatão dos Guararapes in Pernambuco, Brazil, a neighboring city of Recife. In Brazil, Bethany is an institution and ministry under Shores of Grace Ministries, guided by the Statute of Children and Adolescents. The home is a place of safety and recuperation where our team, consistently trained, takes care of the girls in an environment of love and encouragement.

Hadassah House

Hadassah House is a transition home for girls who are aging out of the system and can no longer stay at Bethany Villa. Under Brazilian legislation, when a girl turns 18-years-old, she may no longer stay in a rescue home. The same law applies to our Bethany Villa. Many of our girls do not have families to return to or even a place to go. Our heart for these girls is that they would have a chance to continue their studies, work, dream, and dive even deeper into the love of the Father. These girls are led under the supervision of a staff member who lives with them and life coaches and mentors who help them in various aspects of their lives. 

© 2021  |  3000 Custer Road Suite 270 #7024 Plano, TX 75075  |  +1 (615) 647-6274  |  Av. Pres. Castelo Branco, 7966 - Barra de Jangada, Jaboatão dos Guararapes - PE, 54460-025  |  +55 81 99802 9000 |  Shores of Grace Ministries, a US 501 (c)(3) public charity, EIN 27-3022828  |  Shores of Grace is a charity registered in Brazil CNPJ 19.312.157.0001-80.

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