Visit Us

We receive teams of all sizes to our Recife missions base from every part of the world. Many teams have come to take part in our outreaches, minister to the poor, meet the lost, and share the love of Christ through prayer and meeting practical needs to those we serve. Our coordinator can help you plan a trip that works best for you and/or your team.

In one week, you could experience:

Due to the nature of our work, we require that every visitor submit an application as well as a background check before visiting. Our coordinator will reach out to you after your application is reviewed to complete the remaining steps. There is a $35USD application fee due at the time of application.

For more information, please contact us at

© 2021  |  3000 Custer Road Suite 270 #7024 Plano, TX 75075  |  +1 (615) 647-6274  |  Av. Pres. Castelo Branco, 7966 - Barra de Jangada, Jaboatão dos Guararapes - PE, 54460-025  |  +55 81 99802 9000 |  Shores of Grace Ministries, a US 501 (c)(3) public charity, EIN 27-3022828  |  Shores of Grace is a charity registered in Brazil CNPJ 19.312.157.0001-80.

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