Nic and Rachael Billman are lovers of God and lovers of people. They fully embrace their journey with the Father and daily surrender their lives over to Him, because He is a good Father! Their daily prayer is, “Father, teach us to love like you love and to see like you see.” They have been married since September of 2000 and they have four children, Christian, Forrest, Leila and Cássia (who was born in Brazil). Three of their four children are actively involved in the ministry and love the journey that God has chosen for their family. Their oldest son, is married and involved in ministry and starting his new family in the US.
Through the umbrella of Shores of Grace, Nic and Rachael have founded three non-profit organizations in Brazil and one in the United States. Before moving to Brazil, Nic and Rachael had been in pastoral positions in local churches in Pennsylvania and Texas for nine years. Nic has authored a book called “Between the Flowers and the Broken.” In 2010 they moved to Brazil and founded Shores of Grace and since that time they have continued to keep the first thing first – Loving God with all of who they are and from that overflow loving others well.