
Each of our schools have a combination of classroom teachings that are based on loving God, loving your neighbor, and changing the world along with practical mission’s experiences with our Shores’ outreach ministries. Some of the themes we teach in our schools are:
Inner Healing
Intimacy with God
The Prophetic Life
Shores’ Core Values
Culture of Heaven
A Lifestyle of Evangelism
Dreaming with God
The Meaning of Missions
Experiencing Miracles
Redeeming the Church
Faith and Work
Social Justice

All that we do in the three cities we are in is not enough to change the world. The Recife Metropolitan area alone has over 3.9 million people. Our Recife base is only able to reach a hundred or so each week. As Churches rise up in unity embodying the good news gospel as the Body of Christ, reaching more and advancing the Kingdom of God becomes possible.
We want to share all we have experienced and learned with the Body of Christ: everything we have, everything we have seen, every victory we have gained, every obstacle we have overcome and even the failures opportunities that have taught us.
Shores Schools were created, here in Brazil, to prepare a generation of revivalists and image bearers of God for a WORLD wide transformation. We are committed to keeping First things first: Glorify God, Seeking His Kingdom, Loving Him with our whole selves, worshipping Him with our lives so that in the overflow we share the joy of this journey with others.
As our founder and director of Shores of Grace ministries always says, “Jesus did not die on the cross so that we could sing good songs in church services. He died on the cross so that we could have a lifestyle of worship, lives that bring His presence wherever we go.” All of our schools encourage and teach students how to live a lifestyle of worship. He died on the cross so that we could have a lifestyle of worship, lives that bring His presence wherever we go.” All of our schools encourage and teach students how to live a lifestyle of worship. God is looking for believers that will be shining beacons of His glory who are unafraid to live in the full expression of God’s love for every human being. Our schools are focused on identity, purpose and destiny. You will learn from those who are burning with His love and have devoted their lives to Him. You will learn with others in our Kingdom family who come from other cities and countries of the world.

Attend one of our schools, be ignited to change your world through the love of God and be a part of the ever-expanding Kingdom of God here on earth as it is in Heaven.
The Furnace
The Furnace is a two-week missions intensive school held in January at our base in Recife, Brazil. Students will come from all over Brazil and around the world to be immersed in the presence of God and learn how to carry His perfume, His character, His life wherever they go.
School of David
The School of David, or Escola De Davi is our Worship and Arts school. More details coming soon!
School of the Streets
Are you wanting more for your community? Is God opening your eyes to the needs of your city? Are you wanting to do more for the lost and the broken with your church? The School of the Streets was created to bring many of the teachings of our other three schools right to your neighborhood. We will share about redemption, hearing the voice of God, ministering prophetically, praying for healing and other practical topics that will equip your group to do what we do at Shores, meet God’s sons and daughters where they are.