Our Blog

Our Everyday Anxiety

Most of us have said the phrase, “I’m so anxious!” or something similar several times in our lives. There are many ways to describe how we feel when we are anxious. For example: having great expec…

Nikita’s Testimony

I heard of Shores of Grace two days before I arrived at their base in Recife. The call to anti-human trafficking awoke in my heart years previously after I watched a movie called Human Trafficking…


Worship is a lifestyle. I’ve heard this statement many times and numerous. In the church, I heard this phrase all my life. I heard that worship is not just a song or a sense of a moment. It took a…

Kingdom and Culture

What is culture? The etymology for the word culture, among other definitions, is an integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for symbolic thought …

© 2021  |  3000 Custer Road Suite 270 #7024 Plano, TX 75075  |  +1 (615) 647-6274  |  Av. Pres. Castelo Branco, 7966 - Barra de Jangada, Jaboatão dos Guararapes - PE, 54460-025  |  +55 81 99802 9000 |  Shores of Grace Ministries, a US 501 (c)(3) public charity, EIN 27-3022828  |  Shores of Grace is a charity registered in Brazil CNPJ 19.312.157.0001-80.

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