Volunteer With Us

We cannot do what we do without the Body and the many missionaries and volunteers we have around the world. If you would like to volunteer your skills such as media, communications, or administrative skills, or you would like to volunteer your time remotely for various things that we need to do, please contact us at volunteer@shoresofgrace.com.

If you would like to come to our Recife base as a short-term volunteer (typically one to three months), we ask that you first visit us for two or more weeks to get acquainted with our ministry, our work, and those we serve. If you have any questions about this policy or want to schedule your first visit, please email us at visitors@shoresofgrace.com.

As a volunteer, you will join the Shores team in the daily activities of the ministry along with receiving a focus area where you will spend most of your time and energy. We often hear from our visitors that they received much more than they gave, and our desire is for you to receive all that God has for you in your time with us.

To visit us at our Shores Philadelphia base, please contact us at philly@shoresofgrace.com

© 2021  |  3000 Custer Road Suite 270 #7024 Plano, TX 75075  |  +1 (615) 647-6274  |  Av. Pres. Castelo Branco, 7966 - Barra de Jangada, Jaboatão dos Guararapes - PE, 54460-025  |  +55 81 99802 9000 |  Shores of Grace Ministries, a US 501 (c)(3) public charity, EIN 27-3022828  |  Shores of Grace is a charity registered in Brazil CNPJ 19.312.157.0001-80.

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