Posts tagged with Communities

Rainy Season

In Recife, we have two seasons – 9 months of summer, and 3 months of rain.  Monsoon season is a little cooler than the rest of the year in Northeast Brazil, however, the slight drop in temper…


Sunday morning: backpack ready, paint cans and enthusiasm for doing something new. Without knowing exactly what awaited us, we left the Shores base for Holiday, a twenty story occupied hotel …

© 2021  |  3000 Custer Road Suite 270 #7024 Plano, TX 75075  |  +1 (615) 647-6274  |  Av. Pres. Castelo Branco, 7966 - Barra de Jangada, Jaboatão dos Guararapes - PE, 54460-025  |  +55 81 99802 9000 |  Shores of Grace Ministries, a US 501 (c)(3) public charity, EIN 27-3022828  |  Shores of Grace is a charity registered in Brazil CNPJ 19.312.157.0001-80.

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